Sunday, November 17, 2013

Saturday Drive, Country Music and a Funeral

Its another typical weekend. We are blasting Pandora country pop music singing along driving the grade out to Okeechobee. This isn't a typical visit though. We are on our way for a funeral. I don't know the person but I'm going for Charlie. It will be nice to hang with the family too for a bit.

We just dropped the kid off for the weekend to play with a friend. I miss being a kid and just being able to play my days away...hahaha...who am I kidding. I didn't play at her age. I worked either at home or for my dad at the dry cleaners. But to me that was fun too.

So we are driving as back of country roads as south Florida has to offer. Crazy Town just came on. We went to Nashville over the summer so charlie can finally see what this song is all about.

Part of me feels bad for having so much fun on the way to a funeral, but that's life. You can't just stop living just cause others stopped. I need to realize that too. I need to start living and not just sitting in a hole.
I love being out here too. What I would give to live out here. So quiet and peaceful.

The funeral was hard. I haven't cried at a funeral since I was a kid. I don't see death the same as a lot of people and I'm usually the least emotional person there. But today I cried. Seeing all these people hurting. Seeing all the sadness mixed with a little anger and happiness. I think the depression was trying to push its way up to the surface. I choked it down as much as I could.

I want to cry! I do a lot lately. Maybe it is me dealing. Maybe I haven't gotten over losses that have happened in the past. Maybe something more. I just know I'm not done crying just yet.

After the stress of the day we went out for a bit. Listening to music and people watching, one of my favorite things to do, at this little corner of the earth called Terre Fermata. It is a nice ending to the day.

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